With your gift to Communities In Schools of Chesterfield, you are investing in our mission to surround over 11,000 students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.
Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) Tax Credit Information
Communities In Schools of Chesterfield is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization (EIN: 46-0651192). Any donations to our organization are tax deductible. You will receive a tax receipt by email following your online donation. If you wish to receive a paper copy by mail, please contact Devan Colley at devan_colley@ccpsnet.net.
If you wish to make a donation by check or cash, you may send your contribution to the address listed below. Checks should be made payable to Communities In Schools of Chesterfield.
Communities In Schools of Chesterfield
P.O. Box 10
Chesterfield, VA 23832
Honorary and Memorial Gifts
Donations made in honor or memory of your friends or family, are a wonderful way to pay tribute to your loved ones. Communities In Schools is happy to send a note to those you wish to acknowledge.
Matching Gifts
Does your employer offer matching donations? Several companies offer to match their employees’ charitable donations. Find out if your employer does and this could double the impact of your gift! We can provide any required information.
Examples of local employers that match employee giving include:
- Altria
- Bank of America
- CarMax Foundation
- Capital One
- Dominion Energy
- Genworth
- Markel
- SunTrust
- Verizon
Wells Fargo
Questions? Please call or email our Director of Development & Outreach:
Devan Colley | 804.717.9305 | devan_colley@ccpsnet.net